New Year Resolutions

2013 is going to be a busy year for me, I might as well accept that now. I don’t suppose anyone gets to add new born twins into an already busy household and expect to get a lot of other things done. So I’m not going to set myself pie-in-the-sky ambitions.

So what do I want to get done?

1) Deliver two happy healthy babies so my happy family of four becomes an even happier family of six. Preferably I’d like to do this without tearing my hair out or going prematurely grey, without actually turning into a whale, and with my sanity intact.

2) Get Braving Madness out there in the big wide world. I’ve already started on this fretful journey and sent the second draft winging its way to Meg McNulty, (, the world’s best critique partner.

3) Crack on with Held in the Balance. I’d love to say get a first draft done, but realistically that means writing 80,000+ words in a year where sleep will be a luxury. So a total word count doesn’t matter, I just want to keep on writing, just a little bit, every day, and not get completely bogged down with moaning about little people kicking my internal organs to pieces or being buried under the mounds of dirty nappies that are bound to be generated over the year.

Doesn’t sound too ambitious list does it? Probably. Oh well. Happy New Year to you all, and all the best fo 2013.

About Jessica Baker

Mother, writer, DIYer View all posts by Jessica Baker

4 responses to “New Year Resolutions

  • Philippa Jane Keyworth

    Sounds like a great list of things to do in 2013 – but remember, if you don’t get to do what you’ve planned, make sure you enjoy what you haven’t!

    Happy New Year!

    PJK x

  • shehannemoore

    Listen hair dye is a great thing and sometimes so is ten words a day, cos what matters is getting there at the end of it in a way that is satisfactory, Every book starts with one word, and the next is there, so it takes a month to get the third word……so what cos you will somehow get it.

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